[9] Review request: 8154186: JVM crash while using JavaFW WebView and colgroup/cols html feature

Guru Hb guru.hb at oracle.com
Wed Apr 27 16:06:18 UTC 2016

Kevin and Dave Sorry for my ignorance.

Reply to my previous review request (JDK-8154186 previous defect sent 
out for review and it's already fixed).

will incorporate the review comments and send out the updated webrev 
(with correct subject: line)


On 27/4/16 8:24 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> Oh I see the problem. This was just sent out with the wrong subject 
> line. Please resend with the correct subject line for 8152420 and 
> remove the quoted text for the other bug.
> Thanks.
> -- Kevin
> Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> Yes, please open a new bug.
>> -- Kevin
>> David Hill wrote:
>>> On 4/27/16, 9:56 AM, Guru Hb wrote:
>>>> Hi Dave & Kevin,
>>>> Could you please review updated Unit test case 
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ghb/8152420/webrev.01/
>>>> Solution updated in JBS.
>>> Hi Guru,
>>>      JDK-8154186 is closed, so I suspect you will need to open a new 
>>> bug. Kevin will say for sure but I think the new world is one 
>>> commit/one bug id.
>>>     Looking at the changes - the only minor issues I have are:
>>> The new directory build/resources for the jar file. While not a big 
>>> deal, build/testing (perhaps build/testing/resources ?) feels like a 
>>> better home as the jar is for testing purposes. build/testing was 
>>> added with Jigsaw, so you may not have noticed it in your build, but 
>>> we are headed that way :-)
>>> The assumption of a working directory in the test:
>>>      load("jar:" + new File("build/resources/webArchiveJar.jar")
>>> This is /probably/ ok from a sustainability point of view. But there 
>>> are other places where we pass in a property to find stuff in the 
>>> build tree like:          def cssDir = 
>>> file("$buildDir/classes/main/javafx")
>>>         jvmArgs 
>>> "-Djavafx.toolkit=test.com.sun.javafx.pgstub.StubToolkit",
>>>             "-DCSS_META_DATA_TEST_DIR=$cssDir"
>>> +1 after consideration of these minor points, and I am OK if they 
>>> are not acted on.
>>> Dave
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Guru
>>>> On 20/4/16 7:25 PM, Guru Hb wrote:
>>>>> Hi Alexander Z , Kevin & Arunprasad,
>>>>> Please review the fix :
>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8154186
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ghb/8154186/webrev.00/
>>>>> Root Cause and solution updated in JBS.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Guru
>>> -- 
>>> David Hill <David.Hill at Oracle.com>
>>> Java Embedded Development
>>> "A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should 
>>> survey the world."
>>> -- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

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