FX 9-dev repo reorg complete -- 9-dev is unlocked

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Mon Aug 1 20:35:01 UTC 2016

The fix for https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8161705 to 
reorganize the repo has been pushed to FX 9-dev, so the 9-dev repo is 
unlocked now.

The FX source code has been reorganized as follows:

base --> javafx.base
controls --> javafx.controls
fxml --> javafx.fxml
fxpackager --> jdk.packager
fxpackagerservices --> jdk.packager.services
graphics --> javafx.graphics
jmx --> javafx.jmx
media --> javafx.media
swing --> javafx.swing
swt --> javafx.swt
web --> javafx.web

As I mentioned in the heads-up e-mail last week, you will need to fix up 
any inflight patches to match the new location of these files. You will 
also need to adjust the paths of any new changesets that are pushed to 9 
and need to be backported to 8u.

Dave will send out more information about this.

-- Kevin

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