Compiling OpenJFX on OpenBSD

Vadim Pakhnushev vadim.pakhnushev at
Thu Aug 4 18:56:44 UTC 2016

On 04.08.2016 21:35, wrote:
> Dave,
> thanks for the support!
> I'm first trying to simply modify the Linux build file in order to find
> out an OpenBSD compatible approach without having to do it all from
> scratch. So, step #1 was to just remove line 175
> (LINUX.launcher.linkFlags = ["-ldl"]) from buildSrc/linux.gradle.
> Now gradle sdk gives me this:
> FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
> * Where:
> Build file '/tmp/rt-b41445afa464/build.gradle' line: 1929
> * What went wrong:
> A problem occurred evaluating root project 'rt-b41445afa464'.
>> Ambiguous method overloading for method java.util.ArrayList#addAll.
>    Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null] due to overlapping
>    prototypes between:
> 	[interface java.util.Collection]
>    	[interface java.lang.Iterable]
>    	[interface java.util.Iterator]
> Any ideas?

I think that if you would look at the line 1929 of build.gradle then 
probably there is a line
so when you removed the line from the linux.gradle the linkFlags field 
became null hence the error.
So maybe you should remove only "-ldl", not the whole line like this:
LINUX.launcher.linkFlags = [];


> Yours,
> Jyri
> --
> Turvamies IT Security Services

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