[PATCH] 8160325: Provide a public API to obtain the FXCanvas for an embedded scene.

Alexander Zvegintsev alexander.zvegintsev at oracle.com
Tue Aug 16 12:24:06 UTC 2016

Looks fine to me too.

On 8/16/16 1:45 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> The 2016-08-12 revision looks fine to me, except for a missing space 
> as noted in JBS (no need for a new patch if that is the only issue found).
> While we wait for approval from the JDK 9 release team, we need 
> another reviewer for this.
> Alexander Z: can you take a look?
> -- Kevin
> Alexander Nyssen wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> attached please find a revised patch that contains the corrections 
>> you requested. The patch is now applicable to the new module 
>> structure (modues with 'javafx.' prefix).
>> Regards,
>> Alexander
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Am 12.08.2016 um 00:00 schrieb Kevin Rushforth 
>>> <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com <mailto:kevin.rushforth at oracle.com>>:
>>> Alexander Nyssen wrote:
>>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>> thanks for your feedback. Please fin my comments inline.
>>>>> Am 09.08.2016 um 03:10 schrieb Kevin Rushforth<kevin.rushforth at oracle.com>:
>>>>> I uploaded the patch, reviewed it, and provided comments in the bug report. The short version is:
>>>>> * The new API looks good
>>>>> * There is a missing '@since 9' in the javadoc comments along with a few typos / style issues
>>>> I will take care of it. Is there a style guide?
>>> Not a current one. The ones I pointed out in the JBS issue were 
>>> either grammatical or capitalization (other than the '@since' which 
>>> is required for all new API).
>>>>> * Rather than using reflection and setAccessible in the implementation, please add a public getHostContainer method to EmbeddedWindow (since it is an internal method, there is no concern with doing that -- it isn't API).
>>>> Such a getHost() method was already introduced to EmbeddedWindow as part of the patch (to obtain the HostContainer from it). The reflection code within getFXCanvas() is used to access the enclosing instance (i.e. the FXCanvas) of the HostContainer. We could only circumvent this by introducing a constructor to HostContainer and by passing in the enclosing FXCanvas instance explicitly (so we can query it via an explicit getter, which would have to be introduced in addition). Would you prefer that?
>>> Ah, I see what you are doing now. There is an easier way, then. Just 
>>> add a default (package) scope 'fxCanvas' variable in the inner class 
>>> initialized to 'FXCanvas.this' and you will be able to access it 
>>> directly, since an instance of an inner class can always get access 
>>> to the instance of the enclosing class.
>>>     private class HostContainer implements HostInterface {
>>>         final FXCanvas fxCanvas = FXCanvas.this;
>>>         ...
>>> I updated the bug report with this and the other style issues. I 
>>> haven't tested it yet, but other than the listed issues it looks 
>>> very close to being done.
>>> -- Kevin
>>>>> Additionally, I requested JDK 9 release team approval for this. The approval process can proceed in parallel with your addressing the issues I raised.
>>>>> — Kevin
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Alexander
>>>>> Alexander Nyssen wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>>>> attached please find a revised patch. My comments are inlined.
>>>>>>> Am 28.07.2016 um 18:03 schrieb Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com  <mailto:kevin.rushforth at oracle.com>>:
>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>> Alexander Nyssen wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I have added my comments below:
>>>>>>>>> Am 28.07.2016 um 17:22 schrieb Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com  <mailto:kevin.rushforth at oracle.com>>:
>>>>>>>>> I got the attachment, since Alexander also CCed me directly. I will attach it shortly.
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Done.
>>>>>>>>> I do have two comments on this:
>>>>>>>>> 1) We are past Feature Freeze, so all Enhancements need formal JDK 9 R-team approval [1][2]. In this case, the justification can be internal API that is no longer accessible in JDK 9 due to Jigsaw (I would be very reluctant to consider any other Enhancement request this late in the process), but I will need to look at it and then take it through the approval process, provided that I feel it is in scope.
>>>>>>>> I was not aware about this, but I would of course appreciate if it could be included (due to Jigsaw). Thanks for considering it at least.
>>>>>>> I'll take a closer look tomorrow or Monday (no more time today). At first glance it seems like something reasonable to take forward.
>>>>>> That sounds promising. Thanks!
>>>>>>>>> 2) Some of the changes you list seem unrelated to this enhancement and are better done as separate issues (e.g., the rework of the SWTCursorsTest). Also, I am unconvinced of the need to force GTK 2; in fact it seems at odds with the work we have done with JEP 283 [3].
>>>>>>>> Well, the test case refactoring is somehow related, as I introduced the common SWT rule while introducing the second SWT test. However, I could provide it as a separate contribution if that was wished (and a JIRA issue was provided), but the rest of this contribution of course requires it as a prerequisite. If this enhancement could not be included in JDK 9, I would have to provide it as a separate contribution, as I would have to re-introduce FXCanvasTest in other succeeding bugfix contributions (JDK-8143596, JDK-8143596).
>>>>>>> I see. I did take a quick look at this and the test changes seem fine as part of this. I see you created the new test with 'hg cp' (or similar) which records it as a copy of the SWTCursorsTest.java file, which given the number of changes is not needed (and not really useful), but that's easy to fix.
>>>>>> Done (I copied it within IntelliJ and the IDE seems to have applied hg copy).
>>>>>>> There are several white space changes in FXCanvas.java that should be reverted. Our policy is that we do not make unrelated changes, including white space changes, in portions of a file that aren't otherwise modified by a patch.
>>>>>> Done (I used the IntelliJ formatter).
>>>>>>>> The GTK2 flag I introduced just affects SWT. As the swt library that is bundled is rather old (3.7.2) that seemed to be safer (we have observed quite a few problems when running SWT on GTK3). We can of course remove it if tests are not affected by it.
>>>>>>> We don't actually bundle swt itself, although we do download an old copy to link against, and to run tests against. In any case, given that our minimum Linux platform for JDK 9 is Ubuntu 16.04, it might not have GTK2 installed by default. Please revert this change to build.gradle. If test issues arise on Linux we will deal with it at that time (possibly by moving to a newer version of swt to run tests).
>>>>>> I removed the SWT option. However, the previous logger message is no longer valid and should be removed, so the patch still contains a change to build.gradle.
>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>> — Kevin
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Alexander
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> — Kevin
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Alexander
>>>>>>>>> [1]http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk9-dev/2016-June/004485.html
>>>>>>>>> [2]http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk9/fc-extension-process
>>>>>>>>> [3]https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8145568
>>>>>>>>> Phil Race wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> The mailing list rejects attachments so we got nothing.
>>>>>>>>>> -phil.
>>>>>>>>>> On 7/28/2016 8:06 AM, Alexander Nyssen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Kevin, all,
>>>>>>>>>>> attached please find a patch that fixes JDK-8160325. The patch comprises the following changes:
>>>>>>>>>>> - Provided static FXCanvas#getFXCanvas(Scene) method to obtain the FXCanvas instance embedding the given Scene instance.
>>>>>>>>>>> - Added EmbeddedWindow.getHost() so the HostInterface can be retrieved.
>>>>>>>>>>> - Added FXCanvasTest with a test method to test correct behavior of FXCanvas#getFXCanvas(Scene).
>>>>>>>>>>> - Introduced SwtTest JUnit MethodRule to have more concise tests and ensure it is also used by SWTCursorsTest.
>>>>>>>>>>> - Ensured SWT tests are executed using GTK2 on Linux.
>>>>>>>>>>> I reworked the existing SWTCursorsTest while introducing FXCanvasTest to be more concise.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Alexander
>> =


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