javapackager - Is it JDK or JFX?

Scott Palmer swpalmer at
Sun Aug 28 21:57:09 UTC 2016

I’m curious where the javapackager tool belongs.  It used to be called javafxpackager, and the source code seems to still live in the ‘fxpackager’ folder of the OpenJFX repository, which is why I’m asking on this list.

I noticed that builds of the JDK that don’t include JavaFX (e.g. Linux ARM) don’t have the javapackager.  Then I thought to add JavaFX to that JDK by way of some of the community-produced binaries, and noticed that the OpenJFX builds for ARM don’t include javapackager either.  That seems a bit strange… If javapackager is part of either OpenJDK or OpenJFX I would have expected to see it show up.

I find javapackager to be one of the most useful additions to the JDK, but it’s unclear how it fits in.  Is the omission of javapackager from Linux ARM builds intentional? If so, why is that?



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