HEADS UP and review for new gnu style java command line options

David Hill David.Hill at Oracle.com
Mon Aug 29 14:31:51 UTC 2016

    I just commited a change that will require a JIGSAW_HOME that is build jdk-9+132 or later. That build is now available for download from the JDK9 EA site (actually b133) <https://jdk9.java.net/download/>. This commit went in a bit early to squeeze it into this weeks promotion to allow the JDK team to remove the old command line options.

This updated JDK9 uses new GNU style command line options for the JDK 9 additions, and the older versions will be retired DJK9 build 135. The JavaFX build will fail with the older JDK9 builds that do not have the new options. The supported options are defined here <http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/293>, and in general are not going to impact most developers.

Please download and reset your JIGSAW_HOME to point to jdk-9+132 (or later) now.

A last note: We still require JDK9 ea build 109 as the bootstrap JDK ( JDK_HOME/JAVA_HOME )

David Hill<David.Hill at Oracle.com>
Java Embedded Development

"A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world."
-- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

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