Planning for

Michael Paus mp at
Thu Dec 8 13:28:39 UTC 2016

There once was something called "Project Butter" for Android and
I would like to see something similar for JavaFX too. The goal should
be to make all user interactions with a JavaFX GUI as butter-smooth
as users expect them to be and as you can observe them in native
software. More specifically I'd like to see:

- general SG/CSS performance improvements
- more accurate rendering (double vs. float)
- use multi-threaded rendering with marlin renderer
- improved scrolling on touch devices
- hw-accellerated shifting of rectangular regions of a canvas
- better integration of external rendering engines into JavaFX (OpenGL, 
Media players, ...)


Am 08.12.16 um 00:45 schrieb Jonathan Giles:
> Hi folks,
> Development on JDK 9 is slowly starting to ramp down, and we are
> starting to turn our attention to the goals for JavaFX in JDK 10 and
> beyond. We are starting to compile our list of what we think is
> important, but we really want to hear from the community about what
> their highest priorities are to them. As always, it's important to
> keep in mind what JavaFX is (e.g. it isn't aiming to be a
> high-performance game engine), but even still there are bound to be a
> number of places where people might want to weigh in, for example:
>  * New layout containers (e.g. Flexbox)
>  * Public APIs for UI control behaviors
>  * Marlin renderer enabled by default
>  * Support for CSS animations
>  * CSS performance improvements
>  * TableView improvements (cell spanning, row / column freezing, etc)
>  * TableView performance
>  * Focus traversal API
>  * WebGL support in WebView
>  * Improved image I/O support
>  * A JavaFX equivalent of the AWT Desktop APIs
>  * Multi-res image API
>  * NIO-backed writable images
> If there are other areas of interest that aren't listed here, please
> start discussing them and we can work together to determine
> priorities. If all you want to do is add a +1 for one of more of the
> items above, even that will be very useful.
> Thanks,
> -- Jonathan

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