Committing (rather than cancelling) cell changes on focus loss

Konstantin Pasko paskokv at
Tue Jan 26 07:47:18 UTC 2016


speaking about UX and TableView / TreeTableView:
I've "discovered" a strange behaviour of those controls, that differs from
Swing JTable or WPF's Datagrid.
When I selected a row and then removed it -- another row gets selected
When I selected a row and then removed it -- nothing is selected any more
(JTable & WPF).

Is it by design or should I file a bug? Unfortunately I can't find a page
with TableView / TreeTableView UX specification any more, but this
behaviour is not specified there.

It causes a problem in the application I'm working on, where the selection
has a business meaning.


2016-01-25 23:19 GMT+01:00 Jonathan Giles <jonathan.giles at>:

> Hi all,
> I've been aware for a very long time that many people would love to see
> the default behavior for the ListView / TreeView / TableView /
> TreeTableView controls change from being 'cancel edit on focus lost' to
> 'commit edit on focus lost' when users are editing the value of a cell.
> I believe the main JBS issue is this one:
> I've developed a proposal on how this can be changed without breaking any
> APIs. Additionally, the semantics don't change by default - all current
> users won't be impacted, only those that opt-in by overriding a new
> protected method. I've posted a brief summary of the proposed changes as a
> comment in the JBS issue linked above. I am very keen to hear thoughts in
> the JBS issue (don't spam the list!), and let's see how things shape up
> from this discussion.
> --
> -- Jonathan

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