Scene graph performance

Felix Bembrick felix.bembrick at
Thu Jul 21 11:04:39 UTC 2016

I would add that neither JOGL nor LWJGL have these issues.

Yes, I know they are somewhat different "animals", but the point is, clearly *Java* is NOT the cause.

> On 21 Jul 2016, at 20:07, Dr. Michael Paus <mp at> wrote:
> Hi Felix,
> I have written various tests like the ones you use in FXMark and I have
> obtained similar results. I have even tried to substitute 2D shapes by
> using 3D MeshViews in the hope that this would give better performance
> but the results were not that good. Of course all this depends on the
> specific test case but in general I see that a JavaFX application which
> makes heavy use of graphics animations is completely CPU-bounded.
> The maximum performance is reached when one CPU/Core is at 100%.
> The performance of your graphics hardware seems to be almost irrelevant.
> I could for example run four instances of the same test with almost the
> same performance at the same time. In this case all 4 cores of my machine
> were at 100%. This proves that the graphics hardware is not the limiting
> factor. My machine is a MacBook Pro with Retina graphics and a dedicated
> NVidia graphics card which is already a couple of years old and certainly
> not playing in the same league as your high-power card.
> I myself have not yet found a way to really speed up the graphics performance
> and I am a little bit frustrated because of that. But it is not only the general
> graphic performance which is a problem. There are also a lot of other pitfalls
> into which you can stumble and which can bring your animations to a halt
> or even crash your system. Zooming for example is one of these issues.
> I would like to have some exchange on these issues and how to best address
> them but my impression so far is that there are only very view people interested
> in that. (I hope someone can prove me wrong on this :-)
> Michael
>> Am 20.07.16 um 04:14 schrieb Felix Bembrick:
>> Having written and tested FXMark on various platforms and devices, one
>> thing has really struck me as quite "odd".
>> I started work on FXMark as a kind of side project a while ago and, at the
>> time, my machine was powerful but not "super powerful".
>> So when I purchased a new machine with just about the highest specs
>> available including 2 x Xeon CPUs and (especially) 4 x NVIDIA GTX Titan X
>> GPUs in SLI mode, I was naturally expecting to see significant performance
>> improvements when I ran FXMark on this machine.
>> But to my surprise, and disappointment, the scene graph animations ran
>> almost NO faster whatsoever!
>> So then I decided to try FXMark on my wife's entry-level Dell i5 PC with a
>> rudimentary (single) GPU and, guess what - almost the same level of
>> performance (i.e. FPS and smoothness etc.) was achieved on this
>> considerably less powerful machine (in terms of both CPU and GPU).
>> So, it seems there is some kind of "performance wall" that limits the
>> rendering speed of the scene graph (and this is with full speed animations
>> enabled).
>> What is the nature of this "wall"? Is it simply that the rendering pipeline
>> is not making efficient use of the GPU? Is too much being done on the CPU?
>> Whatever the cause, I really think it needs to be addressed.
>> If I can't get better performance out of a machine that scores in the top
>> 0.01% of all machine in the world in the 3DMark Index than an entry level
>> PC, isn't this a MAJOR issue for JavaFX?
>> Blessings,
>> Felix

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