Anyone using JMX with JavaFX?

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at
Tue Jun 14 12:34:51 UTC 2016

On 14.06.2016 12:25, Robert Krüger wrote:
> Only regarding the net loss for the community: There are not many places
> where people trying to defend (and make a living off) Java as a viable
> desktop technology can try to get information from Oracle

This particular mailing list is not one of those places.

If you're looking for commercial support from Oracle, you can find 
information about it here: 

If you are looking for a community forum for Oracle products, you can 
find it here: .

If you are interested in contributing to ongoing development of OpenJFX, 
then this mailing list is the right place to be.

Contributing to ongoing development means contributing actual code[0]. 
It doesn't mean "trying to get information from Oracle", "advocacy", 
"trying to defend Java", etc.

dalibor topic


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