JavaFX 9 & FXCanvas

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at
Fri Jun 17 15:41:29 UTC 2016

On 15.06.2016 07:36, Alexander Nyßen wrote:
> Would it require he (as well as all GEF committers that worked on the mentioned fixes) would have to sign the OCA as well?

If there are multiple authors to a contribution, then they all need to 
have an OCA on file. If one or more contributions are done on behalf of 
an organization, such as a company, than that organization needs to have 
an OCA on file, as well. Details are discussed in the OCA FAQ, available 
at .

> Is there any experience on how to transfer EPL-licensed code already?


Fwiw, I don't think that kind of transfer would work, in general. 
Contributions need to come in under OCA or an equivalent.

As a general aside, while I don't know how the specific code in question 
was authored by whom on whose behalf, putting in all the work necessary 
to unravel the history of third party code in order to understand who 
can contribute what, if anything, could be more work and more time 
consuming than coming up with a better & novel solution from scratch, if 
it's 'just' a couple of bug fixes.

dalibor topic

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