Building OpenJFX for the first time
John C. Turnbull
ozemale at
Fri Jun 17 20:17:47 UTC 2016
Thanks Kevin - that looks very helpful.
-----Original Message-----
From: openjfx-dev [mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of
Kevin Rushforth
Sent: Saturday, 18 June 2016 05:53
To: openjfx-dev at
Subject: Re: Building OpenJFX for the first time
Dave Hill updated it recently, so it is reasonably current.
-- Kevin
John C. Turnbull wrote:
> I would like to set up a development environment for the OpenJFX
> project but have never attempted this before.
> I am very familiar with all 3 major Java IDEs with my preference (in
> order of most favourite to least favourite) is Eclipse, IntelliJ,
> NetBeans (so whichever one is "best" doesn't really matter).
> I am familiar with Gradle but by no means an expert.
> My machine is a Windows 10 x64 PC.
> I am only interested in building for JDK 9 and JavaFX 9 (as these will
> be released before any project I am working on will go live).
> I am happy to build just for Windows at this point so I can get a feel
> for the project and see if there are opportunities where I can fix a
> bug or two or make contributions in other ways.
> So, what is the best way to build this project using the environment
> and tools I have described?
> Which IDE would make the process the simplest or easiest?
> Is there an up-to-date web page that describes the process in
> sufficient detail that will enable me to accomplish this?
> Thanks very much,
> John
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