ProgressIndicator indeterminate transition bugs

Chien Yang chien.yang at
Tue Mar 8 19:40:39 UTC 2016

You may track the progress of this work with this JIRA for now. We are 
still investigating the scope and impact of this work. We may decide to 
create a new JIRA and resolve this as a duplicate if we decide to go 
with a better naming.

- Chien

On 03/08/16 01:58, Cirujano Cuesta, Diego wrote:
> Great! In that case forget the patch I made, it doesn’t make sense until the treeVisible property is implemented. Is there any jira ticket that I could follow?
> Thank you Jonathan.
> From: Jonathan Giles [mailto:jonathan.giles at]
> Sent: Dienstag, 8. März 2016 10:01
> To: Cirujano Cuesta, Diego; openjfx-dev at
> Subject: RE: ProgressIndicator indeterminate transition bugs
> The plan is that a new public API will be developed that matches the expectations, whilst retaining the existing treeVisible semantics in that API. Chien will be looking into this in the coming weeks. At that point we can properly fix these issues.
> -- Jonathan
> Sent from a touch device. Please excuse my brevity.
> On 8 March 2016 21:53:07 GMT+13:00, "Cirujano Cuesta, Diego" <diego.cirujano-cuesta at<mailto:diego.cirujano-cuesta at>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As I understood in the comments(JDK-8094829, JDK-8094078), treeVisible is buggy. Is it still buggy? If yes, is there intention to fix the treeVisible behavior? In case of fixing this it could be used to fix this issue. If I am not wrong, treeVisible is still used by Node, SwingNode and MediaView.
> @Jonathan As you mentioned in JDK-8094829 "having a correctly working treeVisible property would be immensely useful." And I am completely agree and I would like to add that having in the public API would be even better :-).
> Thank you,
> Diego
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Giles [mailto:jonathan.giles at]
> Sent: Sonntag, 28. Februar 2016 22:54
> To: Cirujano Cuesta, Diego; openjfx-dev at<mailto:openjfx-dev at>
> Subject: Re: ProgressIndicator indeterminate transition bugs
> If you can, are you able to file bug reports for these?
> -- Jonathan
> On 29/02/16 10:49 AM, Cirujano Cuesta, Diego wrote:
>   Hi all,
>   We found two important bugs in ProgressIndicator that are related with the following tickets:
>   Now are quite critical because in a 4K monitor may cause OutOfMemoryException.
>   Using the following example:
>   "
>   public class JFXMain extends Application{
>        @Override
>        public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
>            HBox root = new HBox();
>            ToggleButton toggleButton = new ToggleButton();
>            ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicator(ProgressIndicator.INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS);
>            StackPane stackPane = new StackPane(progressIndicator);
>            stackPane.visibleProperty().bind(toggleButton.selectedProperty());
>            root.getChildren().addAll(toggleButton, stackPane);
>            primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root));
>  ;
>        }
>   }
>   "
>   ** First bug **
>   Starting the Progress Indicator with indeterminate progress will
>   trigger: rebuildTimeline by ProgressIndicatorSkin and in line 599
>   start the animation even is not shown already:
>   indeterminateTransition.playFromStart();
>   ** Second bug **
>   With the last commits in ProgressIndicator, as commented in JDK-8094829, the listeners do not care about the real visibility of the node(before it was used impl_treeVisibleProperty()). The consequence is that the ProgressIndicator in the example won´t be stopped.
>   I can imagine that impl_treeVisibleProperty() should not be used and Jonathan G. said: " but I can't reliably fix that without an API such as what I expect the treeVisible API should do." But we did not find such alternative property.
>   The solution we though is the usage of internal tree visible property like this:
>   1. Modify method:
>   "
>    protected void updateAnimation(boolean isTreeVisible) { "
>   2. Remove current calls to method in
>   "
>    @Override protected void handleControlPropertyChanged(String p) {
>            super.handleControlPropertyChanged(p);
>            if ("INDETERMINATE".equals(p)) {
>                initialize();
>            } else if ("PROGRESS".equals(p)) {
>                updateProgress();
>            }
>         }
>   "
>   3. Add listener at the end of the IndeterminateSpinner contructor the visibility listener:
>   "
>            private IndeterminateSpinner(boolean spinEnabled, Paint fillOverride) {
>     [...]
>                impl_treeVisibleProperty().addListener((obs, oldVal, newVal) ->{
>                    updateAnimation(newVal);
>                });
>      }
>   "
>   What do you think?
>   Additional note: I would like to add one more thing. I think that could be very good a property ReadOnlyBooleanProperty treeVisibleProperty() available in all Nodes.
>   Please let me know if we can do something else.
>   Diego

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