Code Review Request For 8155757: Encapsulate impl_ methods in animation, canvas, image, input, layout, paint, and text packages

Jim Graham james.graham at
Mon May 2 20:07:07 UTC 2016

Maybe we could ask someone in Hotspot if they recognize these bytecode 
patterns and optimize out the helper methods.  If that's the case, then 
it is really just down to a bundled size issue...


On 5/1/2016 11:55 PM, Chien Yang wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Thanks for sharing this information and your thought. I'm not sure is
> this saving worth violating the principle of minimizing scope in code. I
> guess you did bring up a good point let me think over it and discuss
> with Kevin tomorrow.
> - Chien
> On 4/29/16, 4:04 PM, Jim Graham wrote:
>> One comment on the implementation.  For the methods used by an
>> accessor inner class, if you make them private in the outer class then
>> that inner class will need a hidden accessor method to be added in the
>> bytecodes.  If you make them package-private then they can access the
>> method directly.
>> Basically, an inner class is really "just another class in the
>> package, but with a special name" and actually have no access to
>> private methods in their outer classes at all, but javac works around
>> this by adding a hidden method that has more open access and using that.
>> An example is Image.getPlatformImage() - you turned it from "public
>> and impl_" into private.  Why not just leave it
>> package-private/default access?
>> For example, compiling this class:
>> public class InnerPrivateTest {
>>     private void foo() {}
>>     public class InnerClass {
>>         public void bar() { foo(); }
>>     }
>> }
>> yields this byte code for InnerPrivateTest.class:
>> public class InnerPrivateTest {
>>   public InnerPrivateTest();
>>     Code:
>>        0: aload_0
>>        1: invokespecial #2                  // Method
>> java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
>>        4: return
>>   private void foo();
>>     Code:
>>        0: return
>>   static void access$000(InnerPrivateTest);
>>     Code:
>>        0: aload_0
>>        1: invokespecial #1                  // Method foo:()V
>>        4: return
>> }
>> and this for the InnerClass:
>> public class InnerPrivateTest$InnerClass {
>>   final InnerPrivateTest this$0;
>>   public InnerPrivateTest$InnerClass(InnerPrivateTest);
>>     Code:
>>        0: aload_0
>>        1: aload_1
>>        2: putfield      #1                  // Field
>> this$0:LInnerPrivateTest;
>>        5: aload_0
>>        6: invokespecial #2                  // Method
>> java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
>>        9: return
>>   public void bar();
>>     Code:
>>        0: aload_0
>>        1: getfield      #1                  // Field
>> this$0:LInnerPrivateTest;
>>        4: invokestatic  #3                  // Method
>> InnerPrivateTest.access$000:(LInnerPrivateTest;)V
>>        7: return
>> }
>> Changing the access on foo() to default (package private), yields this
>> byte code:
>> public class InnerPackageTest {
>>   public InnerPackageTest();
>>     Code:
>>        0: aload_0
>>        1: invokespecial #1                  // Method
>> java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
>>        4: return
>>   void foo();
>>     Code:
>>        0: return
>> }
>> public class InnerPackageTest$InnerClass {
>>   final InnerPackageTest this$0;
>>   public InnerPackageTest$InnerClass(InnerPackageTest);
>>     Code:
>>        0: aload_0
>>        1: aload_1
>>        2: putfield      #1                  // Field
>> this$0:LInnerPackageTest;
>>        5: aload_0
>>        6: invokespecial #2                  // Method
>> java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
>>        9: return
>>   public void bar();
>>     Code:
>>        0: aload_0
>>        1: getfield      #1                  // Field
>> this$0:LInnerPackageTest;
>>        4: invokevirtual #3                  // Method
>>        7: return
>> }
>>             ...jim
>> On 4/29/16 11:50 AM, Chien Yang wrote:
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>> Please review the proposed fix:
>>> JIRA:
>>> Webrev:
>>> Thanks,
>>> - Chien

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