Removal of com.sun.javafx.robot

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Fri May 13 14:47:35 UTC 2016

Ah, that's good.

-- Kevin

Benjamin Gudehus wrote:
> **Update:** I've found a work-around and quickly tested it on our test
> suite. Previously we needed `FXRobot::keyPress()`, `FXRobot::keyType()`,
> and `FXRobot::keyRelease()`. Since Java 8 it is possible to use
> `Event.fireEvent()` and create three `KeyEvent`s (PRESS, TYPE, RELEASE).
> ~~~java
> Platform.runLater(() -> {
>     Event.fireEvent(scene.getFocusOwner(), keyEvent);
> });
> ~~~
> The amount of needed changes for this work-around is small. No revert is
> needed.
> Thanks,
> Benjamin
> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 6:53 AM, Benjamin Gudehus <hastebrot at>
> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> yesterday a code change was made [1, 2] which removes FXRobot and the
>> com.sun.javafx.robot package in JavaFX 9.
>>> The com.sun.javafx.robot package contains obsolete, unused Prism
>> functionality that was intended for testing automation. It was superseded
>> long ago by glass Robot and should be removed as dead code.
>> Unfortunately FXRobot allows a use-case which is not covered by the glass
>> robot. In TestFX we use the FXRobot to fire keytyped events that allow to
>> type arbitrary (Unicode) characters. This solves multiple issues related to
>> non-english keyboards and special characters and simplifies simulation of
>> keyboard input greatly. There is also a commercial JavaFX framework that
>> uses FXRobot to solve this issue; I spoke with the developers a while ago.
>> If possible, could this change be reverted?
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> Regards,
>> Benjamin

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