Support for GTK 2 & 3 now in JFX
Erik De Rijcke
derijcke.erik at
Wed May 18 20:16:57 UTC 2016
I tried using the gtk3 broadway backend. This results in a segfault.
Current thread (0x00007fe8cc0c2000): JavaThread "GtkNativeMainLoopThread"
[_thread_in_native, id=21171, stack(0x00007fe8abcad000,0x00007fe8abdae000)]
Stack: [0x00007fe8abcad000,0x00007fe8abdae000], sp=0x00007fe8abdac1c0,
free space=1020k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native
C [] XInternAtom+0x2a
Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
It looks like there are still some hard dependencies on X which will
obviously not work using a non X gtk back-end. (I verified the broadway
backend works by running the gtk3-demo app in my browser first).
On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 3:06 AM, Jim Graham <james.graham at> wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> I tried testing our build under a Gentoo LiveCD. Even the minimal
> environment of the LiveCD has the org.gnome.desktop.interface schema
> defined so I'm not sure how minimal your environment was. I did discover
> that, although the schema was there, it had a value of "0" for the
> scaling-factor which caused us to create bogus logical screen sizes that
> probably caused the exception you saw, so simply finding that schema and
> key is not enough for us to trust the value. I'll add some protection for
> bad data from the key, but I'm curious to find out how minimal your install
> was and whether we should simply state our dependency, or if your
> configuration is likely to be common enough that we should protect against
> it in our code...?
> Also, what does:
> % gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor
> return for your system? If you set it to "1", does FX come up fine?
> ...jim
> On 05/16/2016 01:01 PM, Jim Graham wrote:
>> These may both be related to the HiDPI fix instead. I added a usage of
>> g_settings in that fix that went in on Friday. It looks like I'll have
>> to check for the schema existing before I access it.
>> Can you file a bug report?
>> (On a side note, the call that grabs the schema does not have a "schema
>> not known" return value - if you ask for a schema that doesn't exist
>> they abort your application. Seems kind of drastic, but the bug reports
>> that request that they simply return null were met with push back
>> because the developers couldn't imagine why anyone would want such a
>> thing (huh?) and later an attempt to return NULL on unrecognized schemas
>> and keys had to be backed out because of the huge disaster the NULL
>> values caused (and somehow ABORT'ing on behalf of the application is
>> better in that case?). Unfortunately I don't see much sanity in those
>> APIs or any support for a case like this of "I'd like to get that value,
>> but if you haven't heard of it, that's fine as I have a backup plan".
>> The only way around this will be to enumerate all schemas and all keys
>> and see if the ones we want are found in the list - a rather extreme
>> workaround for bad error handling behavior in their APIs...)
>> ...jim
>> On 05/16/2016 05:15 AM, Erik De Rijcke wrote:
>>> I ran into several issues, however I'm not sure they are related to gtk3
>>> first of all it seems there is a dependency on:
>>> gsettings-desktop-schemas.
>>> I'm not sure how desirable this is (I did not have it installed,
>>> installing
>>> it fixed the error but I can image people not wanting to install it?)
>>> Second, and this seems unrelated to gtk(3?), the screen initialization
>>> fails (test was done using gentoo linux on virtualbox with windows 7 as
>>> host):
>>> Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread"
>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Both width and height must be >= 0
>>> at javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D.<init>(
>>> at javafx.stage.Screen.nativeToScreen(
>>> at javafx.stage.Screen.updateConfiguration(
>>> at javafx.stage.Screen.checkDirty(
>>> at javafx.stage.Screen.getPrimary(
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at$run$1(
>>> at Method)
>>> at
>>> at
>>> Nearly all values seem to be -2147483648
>>> I used openjdk9 109 as per instructions of the wiki, and the latest
>>> javafx
>>> dev.
>>> On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 8:56 PM, Jim Graham <james.graham at>
>>> wrote:
>>> Should we integrate that into prism.verbose output?
>>>> ...jim
>>>> On 5/9/16 6:18 AM, David Hill wrote:
>>>>> I added a new feature Friday and would like some help testing it.
>>>>> This new feature (8087516: Conditional support for GTK 3 on Linux)
>>>>> allows
>>>>> us to use either GTK v2 or 3 with JavaFX.
>>>>> The default has not changed - we will use gtk 2 by preference.
>>>>> The help I need is for anyone doing testing on Linux with the current
>>>>> tree - like todays sanity testing. Adding
>>>>> -Djdk.gtk.verbose=true
>>>>> should output the version detected and used. I would appreciate a paste
>>>>> of that along with the OS version.
>>>>> -Djdk.gtk.version=3
>>>>> toggles the preferred version to GTK 3. Testing using that toggled
>>>>> would
>>>>> also be appreciated, along with a note to me
>>>>> with the OS version.
>>>>> thanks!
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