Issues porting to Monocle EPD platform

David Hill David.Hill at
Mon Nov 7 18:07:13 UTC 2016

On 11/7/16, 12:55 PM, John Neffenger wrote:

Hi John,
     I am probably the guy that will be looking over these, but I am in the middle of a big push. Feel free to ping me offline if I don't get back to you by early next week.

> While porting OpenJFX to devices with an electronic paper display, I resolved three issues in the graphics module that I thought I should pass along. The following merge request on GitLab lists the issues and my minor changes. See the Commits and Changes tabs in the middle of the page for details.
> WIP: Patches to OpenJFX
> Did I understand the code correctly? I would appreciate any feedback.
> As a brief summary, the first issue, "QuantumRenderer modifies buffer in use by JavaFX Application Thread," may be of general interest because it occurs on the Monocle Headless and VNC platforms.
> The second issue, "zForce touchscreen input device fails when closed and immediately reopened," might affect only my platform, or maybe just the older Linux kernel and device driver I'm forced to use, but I couldn't find a good workaround without duplicating the entire LinuxInputDevice class.
> The third issue, "Get two bytes for the Linux input event type, not four," doesn't seem to cause any problems, but may still be worth fixing.
> Thank you,
> John

David Hill<David.Hill at>
Java Embedded Development

"A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world."
-- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

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