Review request for 8169294:

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Mon Nov 7 22:50:12 UTC 2016

I'll review the test tomorrow (I'm a little backed up on my code reviews 
given the impending change to build with jigsaw JDK).

-- Kevin

Laurent Bourgès wrote:
> Jim,
> 2016-11-07 21:05 GMT+01:00 Jim Graham <james.graham at 
> <mailto:james.graham at>>:
>     I'd like to see Kevin review the test as I'm not the best expert
>     on our JUnit framework.
> I just added @Test annotations and kept the jtreg tags in header (for 
> information).
> I could add asserts but JUnit does intercept any thrown exception and 
> reports a test failure in such case.
> I managed to undestand how to run my test with gradle:
> gradle :graphics:test  --tests
> It is passing and the reports indicates that the 2 new tests are OK 
> (report in modules/
>     It looks like it is mostly just going to emit some printouts about
>     performance (using echo() and log()) and verify that we don't get
>     any ArrayBounds related exceptions (or worse, OOME)?
> Exactly, it is passing as there is no runtime exception and the 
> performance issue is fixed as indicated by the few logged lines.
>     The only difference in I noted is that the Java2D
>     version has an EXPAND_MIN which is 10, but you re-use INIT_SIZE,
>     which is 20, here for the same purpose.
> You're right; I think I didn't want to add an extra constant but if 
> you prefer being more consistent, I can prepare another webrev.
> Laurent

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