ACTION - JavaFX modular build is here
David Hill
David.Hill at
Wed Nov 9 13:32:38 UTC 2016
On 11/9/16, 4:30 AM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
Nice catch. Points out that I should have tried a fully open build path. I did try several times an open JFX build, but each time I was using a commercial JDK.
Kevin will push a fix today.
> Hi david,
> I am trying to build OpenJDK9 with OpenJFX9 (tip); I run the following scenario:
> - build OpenJFX9 with JDK9 EA 143: ok
> - build OpenJDK9 with --with-import-modules=_path_to_openjfx/9-dev/build/modular-sdk: ok
> - build OpenJFX9 with the built OpenJDK9: KO (gradle clean all)
> Apparently, the dependency on the commercial jdk.jfr module is required:
> :base:compileJava
> /home/graphics-rasterizer/client/openjfx9/modules/javafx.base/src/main/java/ error: module not found: jdk.jfr
> requires jdk.jfr;
> ^
> 1 error
> :base:compileJava FAILED
> Any workaround ?
> PS: as you recommended me for Marlin JavaFX, I am trying adding a dependencies on modules:
> openjfx9/dependencies/java.base/
> 27d26
> < exports jdk.internal.ref to;
> What is the magic to make cross-references between OpenJDK / OpenJFX builds ?
> Thanks for your help,
> Laurent
> 2016-11-08 15:42 GMT+01:00 David Hill <David.Hill at <mailto:David.Hill at>>:
> The new modular build has been committed to 9-dev !!!
David Hill<David.Hill at>
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