ACTION - JavaFX modular build is here

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Nov 9 15:46:12 UTC 2016

Yes, it is somewhat tricky to add a new qualified export. I would expect 
that to be rare.

For JDK 9 let's go with the public API since it will be fewer moving parts.

-- Kevin

Laurent Bourgès wrote:
> Kevin & David,
> It seems tricky to add a module dependency !
> 2016-11-09 14:51 GMT+01:00 Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at 
> <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>>:
>     My recommendation would be to avoid this dependency if possible,
>     but if not, then Dave's suggestion is the way to go. What is it
>     that you need from jdk.internal.ref that you can't do using public
>     API?
> Marlin (OpenJDK) use jdk.internal.ref.CleanerFactory.cleaner() to get 
> the java.base Cleaner instance (Thread).
> I agree for Marlin-FX, it will be easier to use the public Cleaner API 
> but it will cost creating another thread.
> Here is the current fix :
>     // JavaFX specific Cleaner for Marlin-FX:
>     // Module issue with jdk.internal.ref.Cleaner
>     private final static java.lang.ref.Cleaner cleaner
>         = java.lang.ref.Cleaner.create();
>     static java.lang.ref.Cleaner getCleaner() {
>         return cleaner;
>     }
> instead of:
> /*
>     static jdk.internal.ref.Cleaner getCleaner() {
>         return jdk.internal.ref.CleanerFactory.cleaner();
>     }
> */
> Regards,
> Laurent

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