Marlin-Renderer and JavaFX

Felix Bembrick felix.bembrick at
Thu Nov 10 00:02:23 UTC 2016

If you want to know how to parallelise the JavaFX pipeline (or how it's already been done with amazing results) then talk to me.

If, of course, this email gets moderated...

> On 10 Nov. 2016, at 10:57, Felix Bembrick <felix.bembrick at> wrote:
>> On 10 Nov. 2016, at 10:27, Jim Graham <james.graham at> wrote:
>> On 10/20/16 5:34 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>>>> For now the OpenPiscesRasterizer class uses a static Renderer (single
>>>> instance) so it is single-threaded.
>>>> In MarlinFX I could prepare the multi-threading support by using 1
>>>> RendererContext per thread (ThreadLocal) as I did in Marlin for java2d.
>>>> However it seems a complex task to enable parallelization in the javafx
>>>> pipeline but I could help there also...
>>> Enabling parallel rasterization seems like a good follow-on task, but is out of scope for the short term given the
>>> limited amount of time. Also, the only way that MarlinFX even has a chance of getting approved for in JDK 9 is for the
>>> default OpenPisces path to be unaltered.
>> Also, such a parallelization of the javafx pipelines would be a fairly large task.
>> I would think an effort to parallelize a single shape rasterization would be much simpler in scope.  Still outside the current JDK 9 timeline, but definitely something that could help in future releases.  I believe that once we put the edges into the internal structures we could parallelize the rasterization of individual scanlines and maybe break a tall shape up into N horizontal bands for N threads.  Other thoughts would be a thread to generate the crossings and N threads to populate the alphas...?
>>           ...jim

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