Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Tue Oct 11 12:36:24 UTC 2016

JavaFX supports SVG paths both directly and via CSS, but there is no 
general support for SVG.

As for you other question, unless they use public API they will no 
longer work. Applications can export internal packages via a command 
line switch, but it is quite fragile and not likely to work from release 
to release.

-- Kevin

Cirujano Cuesta, Diego wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering why there is no javafx support to svg, is there any reason? I found nice the solution from codecentric interesting: But it uses com.sun.javafx.iio.ImageFormatDescription, com.sun.javafx.iio.ImageLoader, com.sun.javafx.iio.ImageStorage and com.sun.javafx.iio.ImageLoaderFactory. in openjfx9 is still there in com.sun... What's going to happen to these classes in Java 9? Is there strategy about providing ways to use them?
> Thanks!
> Diego

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