Review request for 8166242: Removal of com.sun.javafx.embed.AbstractEvents

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Oct 12 23:29:50 UTC 2016

I was waiting for the revised JDK 9 schedule before addressing this 
(it's still being finalized). In any case, I will check with the JDK 9 
release team as to whether such an RFE could be accepted.

-- Kevin

Alexander Nyssen wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> has there been any decision related to JDK-8166242 (Removal of 
> com.sun.javafx.embed.AbstractEvents) yet? I was a bit busy the last 
> weeks anyway, but I would still like to investigate JDK-8159227 
> (FXCanvas should properly forward consumption state of key events from 
> SWT to embedded scene) for JavaFX-9 (the workaround for it is rather 
> nasty). As the fix for JDK-8159227 would probably result in conflicts 
> with the one for JDK-8166242, it would be good to know how you plan to 
> proceed with JDK-8166242.
> Best Regards,
> Alexander
>> Am 22.09.2016 um 14:21 schrieb Kevin Rushforth 
>> <kevin.rushforth at <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>>:
>> Hi Alexander,
>> Since this is an enhancement, it needs to go through the FC extension 
>> process indicated here:
>> First and foremost, we will need to assess the impact of the change 
>> and whether this is the right time to consider such a change. I note 
>> that since this does not add additional functionality, but just 
>> refactors existing functionality to be easier to maintain, we might 
>> at least consider it when/if the recently announced schedule slip for 
>> JDK 9 becomes effective.
>> -- Kevin
>> Alexander Nyssen wrote:
>>> Hallo Kevin, Alexander Z, Vadim,
>>> I have created an initial patch for the replacement of 
>>> AbstractEvents with direct usage of JavaFX representations:
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Alexander

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