Fwd: Re: Marlin-Renderer and JavaFX

Laurent Bourgès bourges.laurent at gmail.com
Sat Oct 15 17:31:53 UTC 2016

Hi Kevin,

> This sounds promising. I looks forward to taking it for a test drive.

Thanks for your feedback. Could you share benchmark tools ? Or at least
your results.
I also tested marlinFX with large texts and it rocks. See

> Besides asking other people to help you evaluate it and test it (which
you just did), the next step would be for you to file a JEP for
javafx/graphics as you did earlier for client-libs/java2d. It seems like
something we might consider for JDK 10, once the JDK 10 project is open and
we start scoping it.

I know that process which is very slow and time consuming: marlin JEP265
was submitted in july 2015, integrated in dec 2015, few improvements after
but still unreleased as OpenJDK9 should be GA in july 2017 !!

It took me few evenings to make MarlinFX (some cleanup work remains but
only few days of work) and I fear that jdk10 will be released in 2020 so
this timescale is just too far for me, as all this work will be done for
free and consume my spare time. Moreover I would hope GPU could perform the
rasterization at that date (opencl, panama project...)

Could somebody else endorse / sponsor this new OpenJFX JEP and help to make
it ready for jdk9 (new JEPs are still acceptable). Of course I will not
vanish but just focus on coding + testing improvements.


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