Fwd: Re: Marlin-Renderer and JavaFX

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Mon Oct 17 14:41:45 UTC 2016

Hi Laurent,

Sure, we will share any benchmark results we have, although we likely 
won't have too much time to spend on it in the near term, since we are 
busily fixing bugs for JDK 9. As for getting this into JDK 9, it is way 
too late for something of this scope. We are already past feature freeze 
and are now in bug fix and stabilization mode. Yes, there is a process 
where a few small enhancements might be considered [1], but even those 
require JDK 9 release team approval, which is very unlikely for anything 
that rises to the level of a new feature.

I hope JDK 10 won't take as long as JDK 9 is taking, but as there isn't 
a proposed JDK 10 project yet, we don't know the timeline. I expect we 
will know more in the next couple of months.

With strong encapsulation, the only way to access internal 
implementation classes is via a command-line switch to add qualified 
exports for the internal packages that you access. Note that any such 
use of internal packages is fragile and could break at any time, but is 
an option for applications that bundle a specific version of the JRE.

-- Kevin

[1] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk9/fc-extension-process

Laurent Bourgès wrote:
> Mark,
> > Laurent, the problem is that OpenJDK 9's feature set is already 
> fixed, so I think it is not possible to *officially* adopt huge 
> features like Marlin FX at such a "late" point. Besides that I think 
> that Marlin FX is of so high value to OpenJDK that I would like to 
> nominate you as an OpenJDK committer. But that is up to Kevin to 
> decide, certainly!
> OpenJDK9 is currently in the Feature Complete extension-request 
> process so it seems possible to submit a new JEP with very small 
> impact and risk.
> As marlin-fx is very close to the integrated Marlin renderer in 
> OpenJDK9, the risk is small for me but there will be certainly issues 
> with jigsaw modularization of OpenJFX: MarlinFX uses jdk Unsafe for 
> example. Moreover, integrating such JEP would imply to hurry up to be 
> completed for dec 2016 !
> FYI I am already jdk9 commiter in the client forrest but not in openjfx.
> > I don't know the internal structure of that part of JavaFX, but 
> maybe Kevin could point us to some private APIs or config options one 
> could use to allow anybody to simply bundle Marlin FX as an alternativ 
> renderer with any JavaFX 8 or 9 application?
> It is certainly tricky due to classloader isolation and modules... but 
> there is certainly some workaround.
> Cheers,
> Laurent

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