Fwd: Re: Marlin-Renderer and JavaFX

Laurent Bourgès bourges.laurent at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 11:37:08 UTC 2016


> I know, but JavaFX is still doing a lot of software rendering and I doubt
that this will change
> in the near future. So having at least the option to use MarlinFX instead
of the current
> default renderer may be a advantage especially when multithreading is

Thanks for your positive feedback that motivates me to make the job to
integrate the marlin renderer in the JavaFX pipeline.
For now the OpenPiscesRasterizer class uses a static Renderer (single
instance) so it is single-threaded.

In MarlinFX I could prepare the multi-threading support by using 1
RendererContext per thread (ThreadLocal) as I did in Marlin for java2d.

However it seems a complex task to enable parallelization in the javafx
pipeline but I could help there also...


> Michael
> Am 19.10.16 um 17:16 schrieb Markus KARG:
>> Michael, note that Marlin FX still is fully software rendering, while
you asked for more hardware rendering recently. The latter will be an
additional approach not targeted yet by Marlin FX.
>> -Markus
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: openjfx-dev [mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On
Behalf Of Michael Paus
>> Sent: Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2016 15:07
>> To: openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net
>> Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Marlin-Renderer and JavaFX
>> I'd appreciate such a solution too.
>> Michael
>> Am 19.10.16 um 14:34 schrieb Kevin Rushforth:
>>> Jim Graham suggested the same thing to me privately, so he and Laurent
>>> are currently looking into that possibility.
>>> -- Kevin
>>> Davide Malpassini wrote:
>>>> I think that Marlin-Renderer can be included not as a default
>>>> renderer to limit the impact to the jdk9 release , but leave to the
>>>> user / developer the possibility to use and test on real applications
>>>> the benefit of this Renderer .
>>>> This is only an user opinion , but i think that the benefits are big.
>>>> Davide Malpassini

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