review: Generate bss for all css files, remove TODO

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Mon Apr 3 20:22:11 UTC 2017


David Hill wrote:
> On 3/30/17, 1:57 PM, David Grieve wrote:
>> The question I have about this change is, do you necessarily want all 
>> of the css/bss files that may be in that directory in the dist? If 
>> someone adds a css file in the future, should it be a conscience 
>> decision to put it into the dist?
> David,
> Certainly a valid question, and one that was answered "yes", at least 
> so far.
> We already as shipping the .css files but only converting some of them.
> This change means we ship the bss to go with them.

Exactly. By converting them all we treat them the same way as .java --> 
.class files are handled. All .java files are compiled and all generated 
.class files are included by default.

> The gradle code block can easily tolerate the addition of exclusions 
> if needed.

Indeed. We can filter them like we do with .class files in some cases.

> The other part of the question was if we even should ship the .css 
> files a all and css2bin. To shorten a long conversation, continuing to 
> do so allows widget developers access to them, access we have no other 
> standard way of providing.

This seems like it should be a separate question, and dealt with as a 
separate JBS issue, if we decide there is good reason to stop delivering 
the .css files. I don't think we have a compelling reason to exclude them.

-- Kevin

> Dave
>> On 3/30/17 1:50 PM, David Hill wrote:
>>> Jonathan,
>>>    please review this change automating the CSS to BSS conversion in 
>>> our build
>>> The list of 6 newly converted files as well as the existing ones are 
>>> in the JBS.
>>> So 9 existing plus 6 new = 15.
>>> webrev:

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