[9] Review request: 8178015: Clarify requirement for app modules to export/open packages to javafx modules

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Tue Apr 18 18:19:24 UTC 2017

Good suggestion. Here is an updated webrev with Mandy's suggestion and 


-- Kevin

Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 18/04/2017 01:00, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> Please review the following javadoc change:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8178015
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kcr/8178015/webrev.00/
>> This restores the links to the Module class that had to be removed 
>> during the transition period for the move of Module and Layer from 
>> java.lang.reflect to java.lang, and makes the requirements for 
>> running an application in a named module more clear. I also fixed a 
>> couple related typos in the modified paragraphs.
> "Applications in a module": What would you think about changing the 
> heading to "Deploying an Applications as a module" to make it a bit 
> clearer what the section is about? A partial code example might be 
> useful to inline too, it could be as simple as:
> module foo.app {
>     exports com.foo to javax.graphics;
>     :
> }
> -Alan

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