MarlinFX upgrade 0.7.5

Jim Graham james.graham at
Wed Apr 26 23:08:54 UTC 2017

Hi Laurent,

On 4/26/17 2:37 PM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
>     I spotted at least one thing that I brought up in the 2D Marlin review, but since the 2 source bases are moving
>     towards synchronizing with each other I didn't look too closely since many of the changes in the 2D Marlin update
>     are things that are already "fixed" in this FX Marlin code, so I thought I would focus my scrutiny more on the 2D
>     review instead. Would this code base be affected by the review comments I made there?  Did you want to hold both
>     until they both are ready to go in and then push them at the same time (to keep them in sync)?
> I really do not know how to push both patches at the same time as it points to different forrests ... (I only have
> commit rights in graphics repo ?) Probably I let you push the final patches once ready and I will also maintain my
> github branches in sync.

I wasn't talking about literally simultaneously, I was referring to waiting to push either until both have been reviewed 
and approved...


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