Skin fields visibility changed from protected to no modifier in Java9

Jonathan Giles jonathan.giles at
Fri Aug 4 19:19:57 UTC 2017

I can appreciate your desire to have more access to skin internals. As I 
was going through JEP 253 to make these APIs public I tried to be as 
clear as possible - at conferences, on openjfx-dev, via Twitter, etc - 
that developers urgently need to tell me what they want, as I couldn't 
just do a bulk copy/paste of existing skin code into public API. In 
cases where developers did communicate their requirements, I tried my 
best to accommodate these requirements into JDK 9.

JDK 9 is now no longer my focus, but the next JDK release is, and so, as 
always, I encourage people to get their requests in early while we still 
have an open feature development window. JBS is the right place for 
these reports.

The same goes for access to modena resources. We simply need to know the 
issues being experienced and we will try our best to make them go away 
in instances where they prevent some valid use case from being possible. 
This means bug reports into JBS.

-- Jonathan

On 5/08/17 2:32 AM, Wolfgang Zitzelsberger wrote:
> In some Skins (e.g. MenuButtonSkinBar, TabPaneSkin, TextFieldSkin) the 
> visibility of protected fields has been changed so they can't be 
> accessed any longer without reflection. Skin classes are public in 
> Java 9, that's fine - however, limiting visibility makes things even 
> worse. Because of Jigsaw a user is now forced to add related 
> "-add-opens" arguments.
> Additionally, there is no way to access Modena resources because the 
> package is not opened - see also 
> I wonder why you are that restrictive?
> - Wolfgang

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