PLEASE READ: New OpenJFX dev repo is open for business
Kevin Rushforth
kevin.rushforth at
Mon Dec 4 14:35:16 UTC 2017
The new OpenJFX developer repo, jfx-dev/rt, is now open. Effective
immediately, changesets for FX 10 (and beyond) should be pushed to:
You can edit your .hg/hgrc files to point to this new repo (no need to
reclone your repo, although you can do that instead if you prefer).
Let me know if you have any problems or questions about this.
-- Kevin
Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> As a reminder, the repo renaming is happening starting this Sunday
> evening, Dec 3, at 8pm Pacific. I will send email on Monday when the
> new jfx-dev repo is open for business.
> -- Kevin
> Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> To: All OpenJFX developers
>> There are two related items that you need to be aware of, so please
>> read this if you are a developer of OpenJFX.
>> Executive summary:
>> 1. To match the JDK project, which has a persistent,
>> non-release-specific mainline repo [1], the FX 10 and 10-dev repos
>> will be "renamed" to jfx and jfx-dev. Starting Monday, Dec 4 all
>> fixes for FX should be pushed to jfx-dev/rt rather than 10-dev/rt.
>> 2. As a reminder, the JDK 10 RDP1 milestone is coming up on Dec 14
>> [2]. All bug fixes and RFEs planned for 10 should be pushed by that
>> date. We will fork the repo at that time and only approved fixes will
>> go into JDK 10 after that point.
>> Details:
>> 1. Historically, the JDK has had separate development mainline repos
>> for each code line, and the OpenJFX project has followed this
>> pattern. Starting with JDK 10, development has switched to a model
>> where the development branch is persistent (that is, it doesn't
>> change when a new release is started) and is no longer
>> release-specific. So there is a jdk project with a jdk mainline repo
>> [1], and no longer a jdk10 mainline repo. We will start following
>> this for the OpenJFX project, too.
>> We will "effectively rename" the FX 10-dev (and 10 [master]) repos to
>> jfx-dev (and jfx [master]). I use the term "effectively rename",
>> because what we will actually do is clone a new jfx-dev repo from
>> 10-dev and make 10-dev read-only. This is because we will shortly
>> need a new forked repo for 10 stabilization, so it is easier to do
>> this than delete and recreate it.
>> The end result will be that for developers, the place you push fixes
>> going forward will always be "jfx-dev/rt" rather than "10-dev/rt" and
>> then "11-dev/rt" and then ...
>> The planned timeline for the switchover is:
>> Sunday, Dec 3
>> * The openjfx 10-dev forest will be made read only at 8:00 pm Pacific
>> time on Sunday. If you have a fix that you want in before Monday,
>> then you need to push it no later than 7:59 pm (Pacific) Sunday night.
>> * The jfx-dev forest will be cloned from 10-dev (and the jfx [master]
>> forest will be cloned from 10 [master])
>> Monday, Dec 4
>> * Once this is done and tested, I will send out email announcing that
>> it is open for pushing. I expect that this will happen early Monday
>> morning (Pacific time). Once the repo is open, developers will need
>> to edit their .hgrc files to point to the new jfx-dev forest instead
>> of 10-dev.
>> 2. As a reminder, the JDK 10 RDP1 milestone is coming up on Dec 14
>> [2]. All bug fixes and RFEs planned for 10 should be pushed by that
>> date. We will fork the repo at that time; only approved fixes will go
>> into JDK 10 after that point. The guidelines are that only P1-P3 bugs
>> will be considered for inclusion into JDK 10 during RDP1, and not all
>> P3 bugs will be taken. Generally developers focus on getting a fix
>> into the mainline, and it will make the next available train. Once
>> the 10 stabilization repo has forked, the next train will be 11.
>> I expect that more guidance will be given on the jdk-dev mailing list
>> as for the processes and policies surrounding this.
>> -- Kevin
>> [1]
>> [2]
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