Innovation again

Pedro Duque Vieira pedro.duquevieira at
Mon Dec 18 22:12:07 UTC 2017


I've been with JavaFX since version 1, also have experience with Swing.
Been on a number of JavaFX commercial projects, contributed to community
projects like JFxtras, ControlsFX, worked on Scene Builder and also have
some open source JavaFX projects of my own.

Like others said I think building openJFX should be as easy as possible,
having to climb a mountain to be able to contribute or worse yet trying to
climb and having to give up half way will block many people from

Having JavaFX team members help out contributors would also be very
helpful, I think, or at least having the OpenJFX various areas thoroughly
documented. For every hour a JavaFX team member spends on helping out with
some guidance community members on a specific issue it would be multiplied
for several working man hours.
I remember when I was a kid reading about how it was important for the guys
who made Counter-Strike to be able to talk to Valve developers directly,
Counter-Strike is one of the most successful online games of all time, it
started as a modification (mod) to the Half-Life game owned by Valve, it
was a free modification and was developed by a bunch of passionate
developers who earned nothing for it in return.
The game was created 18 years ago, later Valve adquierd  the rights and
now, 18 years later Valve still sells and profits from newer versions of
the Game. A bunch of other successful mods were also created for Half-Life.

Lastly someone has mentioned performance as the major issue with JavaFX. I
agree. I've never felt this with desktop apps, but maybe the apps I've
built were not performance heavy.
Having worked on JavaFX for mobile the major issue I've found with it was
performance, specially animations were not smooth which hindered the user
experience. If JavaFX is to grow and get more and more adoption it has to
run great on mobile.

My 0.02€ :)


Pedro Duque Vieira

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