Where should JavaFX get its touch events?

Maurice info at cuhka.com
Wed Jun 21 09:19:33 UTC 2017

As a follow up to my previous question - how to get touch running in 
JavaFX on Ubuntu I would like to know where JavaFX should get its touch 
events from. Research seems to indicate that JavaFX standard reads 
/dev/input/event0, but even if I link /dev/input/event4 to event0 it 
does not notice that there are touch events. I can override the system 
properties com.sun.javafx.touch and com.sun.javafx.multiTouch, but even 
though the system then reports it does support touch no events are 
generated and mouse events are not synthesized.

To test if the system in itself recognizes the touch screen I've run 
chromium-browser --touch-events=enabled and visited a touch website. 
Multiple touch points were recognized.


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