MarlinFX upgrade 0.7.5

Laurent Bourgès bourges.laurent at
Thu May 11 21:14:38 UTC 2017

Hi Jim,

Please review this updated webrev:

I mainly synchronized again all my Marlin repositories and this provides an
up-to-date patch in synch with Marlin2D.

- Renderer (4 variants): use shared memory among AA and NonAA renderer
- Fixed comments in Helpers, XXXArrayCache
- Marlin2D backports in ArrayCacheConst, Renderer ...
- SWUtils: remove import + JavaShapeRenderer made static
- fixed copyright year to 2017

You can see the incremental changes by comparing the openjfx10.patch:
diff marlinFX-075.0/openjfx10.patch marlinFX-075.1/openjfx10.patch


2017-04-26 7:06 GMT+02:00 Jim Graham <james.graham at>:

> I've reviewed the code and run a number of tests.  Things look fine.
> I spotted at least one thing that I brought up in the 2D Marlin review,
> but since the 2 source bases are moving towards synchronizing with each
> other I didn't look too closely since many of the changes in the 2D Marlin
> update are things that are already "fixed" in this FX Marlin code, so I
> thought I would focus my scrutiny more on the 2D review instead. Would this
> code base be affected by the review comments I made there?  Did you want to
> hold both until they both are ready to go in and then push them at the same
> time (to keep them in sync)?
> Minimally, it is time to file a bug against FX for this...
>                         ...jim
> On 4/19/17 11:35 PM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please review this MarlinFX upgrade to Marlin 0.7.5:
>> JBS: no bug yet for OpenJFX 10
>> webrev:
>> Changes:
>> - Renderers: fixed block processing
>> - dead code & few comment removals in Strokers
>> - fixed all floating-point number literals to be x.0f or x.0d to simplify
>> the conversion between float & double variants
>> PS: I plan to run later FindBugs, Netbeans & IntelliJ code analysis tools
>> to fix any warning
>> Cheers,
>> Laurent

Laurent Bourgès

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