Default PointLight for Scene

Chien Yang chien.yang at
Tue May 23 19:05:37 UTC 2017

No, this light is created internally within JavaFX as a convenient light 
source if the scene doesn't have one. User can't access to it reference.

You can find this information in the Scene class documentation:

Class Scene


A default headlight will be added to a scene that contains one or more 
Shape3D nodes, but no light nodes. This light source is a Color.WHITE 
PointLight placed at the camera position.

- Chien

On 05/23/2017 09:11 AM, Nir Lisker wrote:
> A Scene supplies a default PointLight if it contains a 3D object. However,
> adding a Light to any group in the scene removes the default light. Is it
> possible to retain the light, or get a reference to it from the scene?

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