javah deprecated?

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Thu Nov 30 13:13:00 UTC 2017

Hi Johan,

Thanks for filing the bug.

If we really do need Character and IDN, then the cleanest approach might 
be to define new fields in a  suitable JavaFX class and assign the 
appropriate values to them.

-- Kevin

Johan Vos wrote:
> I filed a bug ( and I 
> am looking into it.
> It seems a bit weird to me that the java.lang.Character and 
> header files are needed. I'll remove them and see where 
> it fails.
> But if they are needed (and they probably are), it won't be easy to 
> generate them with javac -h as that requires the source code instead 
> of the classfiles. That would require access to the 
> java.lang.Character and java source code in OpenJDK, from 
> within OpenJFX.
> - Johan
> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 8:02 PM Kevin Rushforth 
> <kevin.rushforth at <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>> wrote:
>     Hi Johan,
>     Thanks for pointing this out. I had missed that this was targeted
>     to JDK 10.
>     We eliminated all but one use of javah, in favor of javac -h, in JDK 9
>     [1]. The only one remaining is in the web module. I can't remember why
>     that wasn't switched at the same time (I have a fuzzy recollection
>     that
>     it might have had something to do with incremental compilation), but
>     yes, it seems like this will need to be fixed.
>     If you would like to file a bug then this would be a great thing
>     for the
>     community to work on. This will block us from moving to JDK 10 as
>     a boot
>     JDK, so if we end up doing that for JDK 10 then this would need to be
>     done soon.
>     Let me know if you would like to work on this.
>     Thanks.
>     -- Kevin
>     [1]
>     Johan Vos wrote:
>     > Hi,
>     >
>     > I learned javah might be removed in Java 10 (
>     > but as far as I know, it is
>     still used in
>     > OpenJFX:
>     >
>     > defineProperty("JAVAH", cygpath("$JDK_HOME/bin/javah${IS_WINDOWS
>     ? '.exe' :
>     > ''}"))
>     >
>     > Are there already plans to move to javac -h instead?
>     > It seems a relative easy task that might be done by someone from
>     the wider
>     > community?
>     >
>     > Thanks,
>     >
>     > - Johan
>     >

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