Building OpenJFX 9 with OpenJDK 9+181

Mario Ivankovits mario at
Tue Oct 10 14:22:13 UTC 2017


I had the same problems when I tried to build JavaFX for the Raspberry PI this weekend.

I „fixed" that by adding the —add-exports to the build.gradle file.
The Google Drive Link will guide you to a hacky patch to the build.gradle file (+ some other changes). I was able to build JavaFX then. Beware: This patch also disables the systemTests.

Best regards,

Am 10.10.2017 um 16:15 schrieb Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at<mailto:kevin.rushforth at>>:

This sounds like a bootstrap problem. I suspect that we are missing the needed --add-exports in build.gradle to build using a JDK that does not already have javafx.* modules.

I filed the following bug to track this:

As a workaround, you can use the Oracle JDK 9 build as the boot JDK.

-- Kevin

Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

I've some trouble building OpenJFX 9 with OpenJDK 9+181 and Gradle 3.2.1
on Debian. I get the following compilation errors:

error: package sun.util.logging is not visible
 import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger.Level;
   (package sun.util.logging is declared in module java.base, which
does not export it to module javafx.base)

error: package sun.reflect.misc is not visible
 import sun.reflect.misc.ReflectUtil;
   (package sun.reflect.misc is declared in module java.base, which
does not export it to module javafx.base)

I tried exporting the _JAVA_OPTIONS variable defined in
README-java-options and adding --add-opens parameters to build.gradle
but it didn't work.

What am I missing?

Emmanuel Bourg

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