Build JFX-10 on linux gcc 6

Laurent Bourgès bourges.laurent at
Thu Oct 19 20:10:24 UTC 2017

Hi Kevin,

As I deleted (by mistake) my former OpenJFX10, I was a bit lost !

2017-10-19 20:40 UTC+02:00, Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at>:
> Hi Laurent,
> We don't have an easy way to suppress -Werror (no equivalent of JDK's
> --disable-warnings-as-errors configure option).
> For the short term, you can edit buildSrc/linux.gradle and remove the
> --Werror flags that are causing the problems.
> Can you file a bug to track fixing these warnings on gcc 6? Even though
> we still build our production bits using gcc 4.9.1 we don't want to stop
> someone from building on the latest compiler.

Thanks for your help, it reminded me what I did few months ago.

Here is the new bug:

I also fixed the wait() calls for gcc-6 and the build is OK and it works !


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