Error building on Mac: compileDecoraNativeShadersMac fails

Lennart Börjeson lennart.borjeson at
Wed Sep 13 09:33:07 UTC 2017

I'm trying to build OpenJFX on my Mac in order to integrate with openjdk 10 (the shenandoah project; I know the vanilla jdk 9 has javafx built-in).

I believe I've followed the build instructions, but building still fails with:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
A problem was found with the configuration of task ':graphics:compileDecoraNativeShadersMac'.
> Directory '/Users/lennartb/RaT/openJDK/javafx-9/modules/' specified for property 'headers' does not exist.

I've tried building both OpenJFX 9 and 10, with the same results.

I have MacOS 10.12, gradle 3.1, jdk 9 b181, and Xcode installed. I've installed Qt 5.9, but I can't see that picked up by 'gradle projects'?

Please advise.


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