Fate of jdk.packager and jdk.packager.services?

Lennart Börjeson lenborje at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 09:28:16 UTC 2018

I'm migrating to JDK 11 and OpenJFX 11, and would like to continue using the packager and the associated packager service (i.e. the UserJvmOptions).

AFAIK, those are gone from the available binary builds, but still there in the code. Is there a way to use them without resorting to build openjfx myself? If not, is there some alternative to the UserJvmOptions?

(I'm currently working around my problems by building both openjfx and the JDK, and bundling openjfx with the JDK, just like in the good old days...)

Best regards,

/Lennart Börjeson

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