Fate of jdk.packager and jdk.packager.services?

Nir Lisker nlisker at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 11:45:32 UTC 2018

Hi Lennart,

You should be able to use the packager from JDK 10, see

There is a draft for a replacement, see

- Nir

On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 12:28 PM, Lennart Börjeson <lenborje at gmail.com>

> I'm migrating to JDK 11 and OpenJFX 11, and would like to continue using
> the packager and the associated packager service (i.e. the UserJvmOptions).
> AFAIK, those are gone from the available binary builds, but still there in
> the code. Is there a way to use them without resorting to build openjfx
> myself? If not, is there some alternative to the UserJvmOptions?
> (I'm currently working around my problems by building both openjfx and the
> JDK, and bundling openjfx with the JDK, just like in the good old days...)
> Best regards,
> /Lennart Börjeson

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