OpenJFX 11 is in Rampdown Phase Two (RDP2)

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Aug 8 17:25:38 UTC 2018

One more item of interest to developers who use the 
javafxports/openjdk-jfx GitHub sandbox repo [1] :

I just pushed a new 'jfx-11' branch to GitHub. The 'jfx-11' branch will 
track changesets pushed to the HG openjfx/11-dev/rt repo in the same 
manner that the 'master' branch tracks changesets pushed to the HG 
openjfx/jfx-dev/rt repo. Developers should consider this branch 
"read-only" and not make any pull requests against it (other than 
experimental "WIP" PRs for test purposes).

All PRs should continue to be done against the develop branch.

Let Johan or I know if you have any questions.

-- Kevin


On 8/7/2018 3:31 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> To: OpenJFX Developers
> As a reminder, OpenJFX 11 is now in Rampdown Phase Two RDP2. [1]
> During RDP2, all bug fixes, except for docs and test fixes, and all 
> enhancements will need explicit approval to go in. Note that these 
> restrictions apply to the soon-to-be-created openjfx/11-dev/rt repo [2].
> Starting now, the jfx-dev/rt mainline -- and by extension, the develop 
> branch of the GitHub sandbox -- is open for openjfx12 fixes.
> We will use the same rules for RDP2 that the JDK uses [3], with three 
> modifications:
> 1. Approval is needed from one of the OpenJFX project leads (not the 
> OpenJDK project lead)
> 2. Since we are not part of the JDK, we need to use labels that do not 
> collide with the JDK 11 release. As an obvious choice, derived from 
> the JBS fix version, we will use "openjfx11-fix-request", 
> "openjfx11-fix-yes", "openjfx11-fix-no" and "openjfx11-fix-nmi", 
> "openjfx11-enhancement-request", "openjfx11-enhancement-yes", 
> "openjfx11-enhancement-no" and "openjfx11-enhancement-nmi" as 
> corresponding labels.
> 3. Some important P3 bugs might be considered during RDP2, as long as 
> those bugs have otherwise met the usual code review criteria. Having 
> said that, most P3 bugs should be moved to openjfx12 at this point. I 
> do not expect many P3 bugs to be approved.
> If a fix is approved to push to 11-dev (with the appropriate approval 
> label added by a lead), then you need not also push it to jfx-dev -- 
> we will auto-sync from 11-dev --> jfx-dev for the duration of the 
> openjfx11 release.
> Now that we are in RDP2, the goal should be to stabilize what is 
> there, with priority on fixing bugs that are new in openjfx11. We need 
> to be extremely careful about including anything that introduces risk.
> Let me know if there are any questions.
> -- Kevin
> [1] 
> [2]  (not yet created as 
> of this writing)
> [3]

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