Fate of jdk.packager and jdk.packager.services?

cyril fischer temp325 at live.fr
Thu Aug 9 07:54:27 UTC 2018

I am following openjfx11 carefully, if I understand there won't be a packager tool ? And the answer to this is to use the packager from the jdk10. If I also understand the end of support of jdk10 start with the release of jdk11.

So how long will the not supported jdk10 packager will stay compatible ? What will happen if it become incompatible ? (it happen quite recently [1] )

So what is the TL;DR ?

How will I package my application (with javaFX) to release a standalone. exe app (with jre bundled)  with jdk11?

[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8191176

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