More community participation in JavaFX

Laurent Bourgès bourges.laurent at
Sat Feb 3 17:07:49 UTC 2018

Hi Chris,

I'm more than happy to keep the community JavaFX build server at running and host JDK 8/9/10/n + FX builds there.

At the moment it's mostly used by the Raspberry Pi community to grab
JavaFX overlays for JDK8 on ARM.

I can also build and host OSX and Windows builds there once the build
instructions are updated.

Excellent but we should discuss with adoptopenjdk or you how to build &
provide OpenJFX release more widely...

I would definitely love having an openjfx github mirror and use any CI
(travis ?) to submit patches & obtain build & test results.

Graal compiler is already on github, why not openjfx ?
At least to prepare openjfx patches and broaden the community contributions.

However you are focused on jdk8, so we could try providing MarlinFX too on
jdk8 builds too if it may interest users.

However we should avoid providing too many custom builds... users will be
lost by the diversity: we should find a single place to host OpenJFX EA

Lastly I'd also be interested in profiling and contributing performance
enhancements to the FX Java source code based on JIT analysis. IMO it
would be useful if the OpenJFX team would make a statement on what kind of
contributions fit with their overall vision (e.g. increasing performance
vs bug fixing desktop widgets).

Please go on, any perf improvement is great (and help saving our planet) !

PS: big thanks for JITWatch !

Kindly regards,

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