More community participation in JavaFX

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at
Tue Feb 6 12:48:15 UTC 2018

On 05.02.2018 15:41, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> Yes, this sounds like a good step in the right direction. This would 
> give anyone (with a signed OCA) the ability to create their own branch, 
> commit changes to it, submit a PR, etc.

One non-obvious point to keep in mind is that you do need to make sure 
that all contributors (to a PR, wiki entry, etc.) have signed the OCA, 
or the change can't be integrated back into the OpenJFX upstream.

I don't think that GitHub offers programmatic, conditional access to its 
functionality fo contributors, so enforcing that kind of requirement can 
be a source of frustration. Not enforcing it, on the other hand, creates 
long term frustration as well. [0]

dalibor topic

[0] The implosion of the TeamFX repo is a good example.
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