future content of OpenJFX

John-Val Rose johnvalrose at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 21:04:52 UTC 2018

Thanks for confirming my “theory” :-)

And just for clarity, I wasn’t referring to “observers” or “lurkers” in a derogatory fashion. In fact, it makes complete sense to only get involved when it enables you to make the most efficient use of your time.

Who knows, the size of the “talent pool” may be much bigger than I thought, which would be great!!!

> On 7 Feb 2018, at 07:49, John Neffenger <john at status6.com> wrote:
>> On 02/05/2018 08:14 PM, John-Val Rose wrote:
>> ... is it possible that there are lots and lots of “observers” or “lurkers” out there just waiting until all the hard work of setting-up the physical and formal infrastructure to enable community contribution has been finalised before they’ll put their hands up?
> That's what this lurker is waiting for. :-) I really like the idea of having a staging repository and an open issue tracker at either GitHub or Bitbucket or GitLab.
> We'll find out how many people can contribute only after it's easy.
> John

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