future content of OpenJFX
Stephen Desofi
sdesofi at icloud.com
Wed Feb 7 00:24:43 UTC 2018
This makes sense. Having a list of who might be willing to contribute and in what areas they are willing to contribute dictates where we can go. As Rumsfeld once said "You go to war with the army have, not the one you want".
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On Feb 06, 2018, at 06:41 AM, John-Val Rose <johnvalrose at gmail.com> wrote:
Maybe Kevin could request that anyone who is seriously both willing and capable to contribute to OpenJFX email him privately so that the list doesn’t get to “see” anyone who wants to fly under the radar.
Kevin could then post the approximate number of resources actually available.
I realise of course that some people may not wish to even let Kevin know of their interest and availability initially but at least we would have a ballpark figure as to the size of the “talent pool”.
I think we need to have some handle on this number before any significant set-up work is undertaken (just in case the number is only 2 or 3 for example instead of 20 or so).
On 6 Feb 2018, at 22:12, Stephen Desofi <sdesofi at icloud.com> wrote:
A poll would definitely be useful because we may find ourselves another subset.
The subset of people who even want to go “off road” to begin with. Most people only consider going places where the road already leads—and that might be about 99%.
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On Feb 5, 2018, at 11:14 PM, John-Val Rose <johnvalrose at gmail.com> wrote:
I think there’s a small matter that is being overlooked here.
The size of the “talent pool”.
I’m just pulling numbers out of thin air here but first I’m guessing that the vast majority of JavaFX users do *not* read this list.
Then, out of those who do, only some *care* enough to contribute.
Out of those, only some are *competent* enough to contribute.
And then, out of that much smaller set, only an even smaller subset are in a situation that *permits* them to contribute, either because they have well-paid jobs and a bit of spare time or they really need a feature added for their own use.
Given that I don’t know what the “starting” number is (the total number of JavaFX users) and neither do I know what fraction to apply to each smaller subset, the end result (the talent pool) is potentially only a handful of people.
I’m simply mentioning this because in every discussion we have here regarding innovation, community participation or plans for new features, it looks like the same group of people get involved - and it’s not exactly a “crowd”.
Does this mean that we don’t have a “critical mass” or is it possible that there are lots and lots of “observers” or “lurkers” out there just waiting until all the hard work of setting-up the physical and formal infrastructure to enable community contribution has been finalised before they’ll put their hands up?
Maybe we could take a poll to see how many members of the community would be willing AND able to contribute, knowing that they may not necessarily end up working on features they are interested in AND who are prepared for their contribution itself & the value it adds to JavaFX to be their only tangible reward?
On 6 Feb 2018, at 11:23, Stephen Desofi <sdesofi at icloud.com> wrote:
Hi Johan,
I read the article you linked to (http://www.tomitribe.com/blog/2013/11/feed-the-fish/) and it raises some very good points indeed.
I also spent a little time thinking over your list of interests:
* more alignment with mobile
* a clean and lean low-level rendering pipeline API that would allow easier
plugability with upcoming low-level rendering systems
* extensions for Chart API
Those would be high on my list as well, but there is something else I'd like to throw into the equation.
If somebody can contribute money to fund the development of their wishlist, fine, that's the easy part, but asking people to contribute time is a bit more complicated. For example, I may want "more alignment with mobile", but I may be better qualified to contribute "extensions for the Chart API" even though that isn't my primary motivator.
Often the reason we want something is because we haven't the skills to do it ourself, but we have skills to do other things. How can situations such as this be factored into the equation? It seems like we need a way to "trade".
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On Feb 05, 2018, at 12:07 PM, Johan Vos <johan.vos at gluonhq.com> wrote:
In order to separate the "What" from the "How" (discussed in another
thread), I would like to start a discussion about what people think should
be considered for future JavaFX work.
I'd like to start with what I think is an important note on the context.
If I want feature X in JavaFX, I ask myself two questions:
1. Do I want to contribute time and do it (at least for a large part)
2. Do I want to spend money on it?
If that sounds too economic or commercial, I recommend reading the
excellent blog entry by David Blevins about funding Java EE development
(more than 4 years old and still very relevant):
Actually, this is a model we've been using at Gluon for a number of
customers. When people ask us about a specific feature, we ask if they are
willing to pay us for the development, AND if they are ok with us donating
it back to an open-source initiative (e.g. OpenJFX, but also ControlsFX,
JavaFXports, Gluon Charm Down, Gluon Maps,...).
As a consequence, the features we are working on are all relevant to (at
least a part of) the industry. Some companies doubt there is business value
in JavaFX, we prove the opposite while making the Open Source community
I think by now it should be clear to all that there is no free lunch
(anymore). If your business depends on a feature being added to JavaFX, how
much (time/money) are you willing to contribute? If the answer is
"nothing", you can still hope that others want to do it, and in many cases
that will eventually happen -- but you don't control the timeline.
This principle is a bit a simplification though. In many practical cases,
people want to have feature X and are willing to contribute "something"
(e.g. they want to work on it in spare-time, or fund 20% of a developer)
but not enough to do everything.
I think in this case it's a matter of gathering enough interest in this
community. Once enough developers are interested in that same feature, and
agree to spend resources on it, the burden can be shared. Having a sandbox
repositories with forks will make this easier.
Areas that I personally want to see on the roadmap:
* more alignment with mobile
* a clean and lean low-level rendering pipeline API that would allow easier
plugability with upcoming low-level rendering systems
* extensions for Chart API
- Johan
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