Repositories, AdoptOpenJDK and github

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Tue Feb 27 23:51:39 UTC 2018

Nir Lisker wrote:
>     Johan's thinking was to allow Committers to approve the PR on
>     GitHub -- meaning they could be merged on GitHub before an actual
>     Review has happened. Are you proposing to change that?
> What if the PR is rejected at review? We'll end up with conflicts 
> between the repos. And supposed someone works on a different fix and 
> uses the rejected PR code, how will that be committed?

Good questions; maybe Johan has some thoughts as to how to mitigate this?

-- Kevin

> On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 12:25 AM, Kevin Rushforth 
> <kevin.rushforth at <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>> wrote:
>     This seems a good start in formalizing the process. It will need a
>     little tweaking in a couple of areas.
>     Regarding JBS access, even though I want to relax the requirement
>     to become an Author (get a JBS account), it will likely end up
>     somewhere between "an intention to contribute" and "two sponsored
>     contributions, already reviewed and committed". Even without this,
>     there will necessarily be a gap in time between "I want to work on
>     a bug" and getting a JBS account. So there is value in encouraging
>     people to clone the GitHub sandbox, "kick the tires", make a PR to
>     get feedback, etc., before they can access JBS directly (or even
>     while waiting for their OCA to be processed, but no PRs in that
>     case). Something to take into account.
>     Regarding review, we will need a bit more discussion on that. I
>     like the idea of the PR being logged in JBS once it is ready to be
>     reviewed. Johan's thinking was to allow Committers to approve the
>     PR on GitHub -- meaning they could be merged on GitHub before an
>     actual Review has happened. Are you proposing to change that? It
>     might have some advantages, but it could also make it harder in
>     other areas. I'd like to hear from Johan on this. This reminds me
>     that we need to continue the discussion on the general "Review"
>     policy, as it is relevant here.
>     As for whether it is merged into GitHub, I don't have a strong
>     opinion on that. As you say it will be pulled into the mirror
>     anyway (along with changes from reviews happening in JBS that
>     don't first go through the sandbox), so maybe it doesn't matter?
>     On the other hand there might be advantages to getting it into the
>     mainline of the sandbox early? Hard to say.
>     -- Kevin
>     Nir Lisker wrote:
>>     Iv'e given the pipeline some thought. I'm purposely ignoring
>>     current role names (Author, Contributor...). My suggestions:
>>     Potential contributor wants to contribute...
>>     1. Formal process
>>       a. If the issue is not in the JBS, they submit it via bugreport.
>>       b. They send an email on the mailing list regarding the issue
>>     (a plan, question on how to approach etc.)
>>       c. If the above effort is "deemed worthy" (whatever that
>>     means), and they have signed the OCA, and they then they get
>>     access to JBS. If they've given a GitHub account, they get access
>>     to GitHub PRs.
>>       d. Discussion from the mailing list is copied/linked to the JBS
>>     issue. Maybe if it's their issue (step a) then the Reporter field
>>     can change to them.
>>     This ensures that:
>>     * There's 1 entry point.
>>     * GitHub and JBS identities are linked (GitHub identity is verified).
>>     * Being able to comment on JBS is easier - instead of requiring 2
>>     commits it requires good intentions(?)
>>     * Not every person on the planet has access to JBS.
>>     2. Work process
>>       a. They fork the GitHub repo.
>>       b. They create a PR with a 2-way link to/from JBS (similar
>>     to  current webrevs - JBS links).
>>       c. Discussion specifically on the patch should happen in the PR
>>     thread. General info on the bug (affected versions etc.) still
>>     happens in JBS.
>>       d. After the patch had been reviewed, it is committed to the
>>     Oracle repo. Since GitHub mirrors Oracle I don't think it matters
>>     if the patch is merged into GitHub.
>>     This ensures that:
>>     * It's easier to start working because the GiutHub repo is more
>>     convenient than the Oracle repo currently.
>>     * PRs and JBS issues are mutually aware.
>>     * The submit -> review -> commit process is streamlined.
>>     We pay a synchronization price for having 2 repos and 2 bug
>>     trackers. This is what I could come up with.
>>     - Nir
>>     On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 1:14 AM, Kevin Rushforth
>>     <kevin.rushforth at <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>>
>>     wrote:
>>         Johan Vos wrote:
>>>         On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 4:09 AM Kevin Rushforth
>>>         <kevin.rushforth at
>>>         <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>> wrote:
>>>         A global reference in JBS would indeed be very good to track
>>>         back the work in a PR to a real issue. It can also be very
>>>         useful as there are many existing issues in JBS that can be
>>>         referred to in future work.
>>>         The only issue I see is that in order to create an issue in
>>>         JBS, you need to have "author" status, so not everyone can
>>>         do this? Given the idea that developers who want to create a
>>>         PR also need to sign an OCA, it might make sense to somehow
>>>         combine the administration?
>>         I don't think we can combine this, but I hope to be able to
>>         relax the requirements to become an Author a little. The
>>         current guidelines are 2 sponsored contributions [1].
>>         Pending appointment as an Author, it isn't hard to submit a
>>         bug via . If there is a test case,
>>         it usually gets moved to the JDK project within a day or so
>>         (and I can move them sooner, if needed). The bigger bother is
>>         that you can't comment in JBS on a bug you didn't create, but
>>         once the bug is there, you can work on it in GutHub and/or
>>         send email to the list. I'll also add any comments from
>>         contributors who are not yet Authors to any bug report.
>>         -- Kevin
>>         [1]
>>         <>
>>>         - Johan 

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