Instructions for working on OpenJFX
Kevin Rushforth
kevin.rushforth at
Thu Jan 25 12:57:16 UTC 2018
Now available here:
You can send me your patch and I'll review / push it.
-- Kevin
Nir Lisker wrote:
> Submitted 9052392 to fix Eclipse config files.
> On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 1:22 AM, Kevin Rushforth
> <kevin.rushforth at <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>> wrote:
> Yes, the IDE configs are for developer convenience only. You can
> feel free to ignore them.
> If someone wants to cleanup the Eclipse IDE files, that would be
> fine, too.
> -- Kevin
> Nir Lisker wrote:
>> If you're still catching up, I would like to verify that I should
>> ignore project-level errors from the IDE. For example, Eclipse
>> complains about the graphics project:
>> Project 'graphics' is missing required source folder:
>> 'build/resources/jsl-decora'
>> Project 'graphics' is missing required source folder:
>> 'build/resources/jsl-prism'
>> and about the buildSource project:
>> Project 'buildSrc' is missing required library:
>> '...\rt\build\libs\ant-1.8.2.jar'
>> Project 'buildSrc' is missing required library:
>> '...\rt\build\libs\antlr-3.1.3.jar'
>> Project 'buildSrc' is missing required library:
>> '...\rt\build\libs\antlr-runtime-3.1.3.jar'
>> Project 'buildSrc' is missing required library:
>> '...\rt\build\libs\stringtemplate-3.2.jar'
>> Project 'buildSrc' is missing required source folder: 'src/main/java'
>> Project 'buildSrc' is missing required source folder: 'src/test/java'
>> As long as the gradle tasks complete successfully I can ignore
>> all that?
>> - Nir
>> On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 2:10 AM, Kevin Rushforth
>> <kevin.rushforth at <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>>
>> wrote:
>> I'm still a little behind on my email, but here are some
>> quick answers.
>> #1 - The NetBeans instructions are still mostly correct
>> except that with FX 9 or later you can't compile or run code
>> from within the IDE any more (and there isn't yet a release
>> of NetBeans 9). Not sure about the other IDEs, but I suspect
>> they are somewhat out of date.
>> #2. You should be able to build just the FX bits (outside
>> your IDE) using:
>> gradle sdk
>> -or-
>> gradle javadoc
>> depending on what you want to do (or you can build both
>> targets). If you have a build of JDK 9 or later with FX bits
>> in it, then you can use the build/run.args script to run with
>> the just-built FX bits without rebuilding the JDK.
>> java @build/run.args ...
>> #3. I don't know since I don't use Eclipse; maybe someone on
>> the list who uses Eclipse can answer. It might have to do
>> with the level of JDK 9 support in Eclipse
>> #4 - previously answered
>> -- Kevin
>> Nir Lisker wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have OpenJFX and OpenJDK built. I have also set up
>> TortoiseHg and am
>> working with Eclipse. I have several questions:
>> 1. Are the instructions at
>> <>
>> still valid from
>> JDK 8? There are old TODOs there. If not, can I get a
>> quick update?
>> 2. After importing the projects to Eclipse and working on
>> the source, what
>> steps need to be taken when the changes are to:
>> a. only the docs?
>> b. Java code?
>> c. Prism code?
>> Do I need to rebuild the JDK with JavaFX, rebuild only
>> JavaFX, only compile
>> etc? What tests do I need to run (e.g., I doubt I need to
>> run regression
>> tests when changing JavaDocs)?
>> 3. Eclipse uses EJC (which I never had trouble with). Can
>> this cause
>> trouble?
>> 4. After creating a local changeset and assuming there is
>> already a JIRA
>> issue for it and the fix approach was discussed, can I
>> just push it and it
>> will enter a review queue? Do I need to ask someone
>> specifically for a
>> review on the changeset (
>> <>
>> is old...)?
>> Thanks,
>> Nir
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