Trying to find what fixed a TextFlow bug between 8 and 9

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at
Wed Jul 18 18:04:33 UTC 2018


I'm on OS-X and running that code repositions the glyphs once it starts
wrapping the 2nd Text-Node.

See this screencast:


On 18.07.18 19:04, Philip Race wrote:
> Do you see the bug as platform independent ?
> I just ran your test on 8u121 on Mac and am not sure what the problem is
> that you are seeing. It behaves as well as JDK 10 does.
> If its platform specific maybe you need to look at the platform-specific
> code
> -phil.
> On 7/18/18, 6:02 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to find the change that was made so that the following
>> snippet renders the text no matter if TextFlow wraps the line or not in
>> the same way (which is broken in FX8)
>>> package fxbugs;
>>> import javafx.application.Application;
>>> import javafx.scene.Scene;
>>> import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
>>> import javafx.scene.text.Text;
>>> import javafx.scene.text.TextFlow;
>>> import javafx.stage.Stage;
>>> public class TextRenderBug extends Application {
>>>      @Override
>>>      public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
>>>          VBox box = new VBox();
>>>          Text t1 = new Text("1234");
>>>          Text t2 = new Text(" - A. Ackermann Bla Bla Bla");
>>>          TextFlow t = new TextFlow(t1,t2);
>>>          box.getChildren().add(t);
>>>          Scene s = new Scene(box, 800, 600);
>>>          primaryStage.setScene(s);
>>>      }
>>>      public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>          launch(args);
>>>      }
>>> }
>> I've looked through the changes of com.sun.javafx.text but nothing
>> really looked like it might have fixed the issue.
>> Tom

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